Plenty of times in many restaurants customers encounter unhealthy and inept ways of serving or transferring dishes. This certainly damages the image of the business even if it appears to be noteworthy in all other aspects.
Professional serving
A professional and flawless service by a pleasant looking and smiley employee always inclines the customer positively towards the meal that follows. προδιαθέτει θετικά για το γεύμα που ακολουθεί. Only then will the customer’s final impression be satisfactory.
- Transferring the dishes while serving:
- a) On the left hand we hold the first dish with our index finger and our thumb. We place the second dish underneath the first one holding it with our remaining three fingers.
- b) Let the first plate lay in your left palm holding it with your ring finger, your middle finger and your index finger. Place the second dish on the wrist of the same hand, holding it with your thumb and your little finger.
You can also carry a third dish in your right hand. You can hold it with your thumb and your index finger as we mentioned for the first dish in the first way of transfer.
- Picking up the dishes after being used:
In the middle of your left palm place a large dish and hold it with your index, ring and middle finger. Then, take the largest plate that is left on the table and place it on the wrist of the same hand holding it with the remaining two fingers, the thumb and the little finger. After having done this, start placing the smaller dishes accordingly from bottom to the top on the dish that lays already on your wrist. Thus, place the largest dish first and then place them according to size, from larger to smaller.
Every time you place another dish on your wrist you should of course carefully clear all the remains by sweeping them on the first dish that lays on the palm of your left hand using a knife or a fork.
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